My Mother Photo
The photo of my mother was overall black and white. Later, it has changed in color. What caused it changed?
Dhammachai Dhutanga 2012
Why do we arrange this dhutanga? Who will get the benefit from it? Who participate to arrange it?
Blameless work # 1
Just because a factory can make a large amount of things, it does not mean that it is a good factory
Basic Meditation Technique Step #4
Once your mind is completely still, it will drop the word phrase by itself, as if you are forgetting to recite it (if you simply do not want to recite it anymore, then that is ok).
Why do we need to build good people network? How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
I’d like to ask for Luang Phaw’s explanation for what you told us to build good people network. How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
What is Merit?
Merit means ‘goodness’ or ‘happiness’ It is something which, if it arises in the mind, will cause the mind to become pure and free of cloudiness
How do people from different branches of Buddhism regard each other?
Would it matter which form of Buddhism a person follows?
This is Mine! Don't Dare To Touch It!!
Anyone that doesn’t know how marriage brings pain, please listen to this! Her husband said she was a good person there was nothing wrong with her at all and he still loved her but he couldn’t explain why he loved another woman. What retribution caused this? How could she rectify this so that the retribution would not follow her to the next life? DMC has the answers.
Could it be true for Prince Siddhattha to take seven steps immediately after he was born? How can we explain this phenomenon to a skeptic?
Buddhists today have wondered whether if it could be true for Prince Siddhattha to take seven steps immediately after he was born. How can we explain this phenomenon to a skeptic?
Drinking Alcohol, Do We Need It?
I have heard many reasons for drinking: family problems, work problems, addiction, seductive advertising, society, health, curiosity, peer pressure, availability, and depression.